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DATE: 4/21/00

Mr. Wagner:

I thought of you just a few days ago.  If I had my way, I would look no further and promise every job to you.  The way that you handled the entire contract - especially our staff interference - has earned  you  a great big star in my book. And yes, you can expect to receive my recommendations.  I'll tie a string around my wrist to remind me to take a few minutes and write this up for you.

As of about two weeks ago, I was promoted into a different position. Same department, so I still hear the details of what comes in as far as the physical repairs of the properties. I will however, be sure to recommend you to all persons Involved in the contracting process (prop. manager, Regional Manager, POA Supervisor, and our returning Vice President - E. Clark White (Joshua Bird is heading the Development Department))....

So, at some point in the future, I guarantee that we will be calling on you to invite you to submit a proposal on whatever work we propose.

Look for my recommendation in about a week - at the very latest.

Take care,


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