Joy in the Now 11/7/88


A spontaneous ditty
a cheerfully witty
sharing of some moments of peace.
Reading Dan Millman's treatise
his Peaceful Warrior's way
gives me inspiration and strength
to create each today
as the experience of joy.
I've been rocked like a toy
a plastic boat in the surf
I've felt like my face
was pounded into the turf
and shared it only for fun
(or so I had thought).
I candidly don't piss and moan
my responsibility's not out on loan
I alone have condoned
all the good and the rest.
I take small, cautious pride
in the feeble, terrified strides
I've made into the mist.
It's frankly quite clear
there's really nothing to fear
I just end up right here
with a more crystalline view.