Copyright 2003


Roger Wagner was a contradiction. He was succinctly and accurately described by his long-time friend A. Wayne Griffin thusly, "Your dad is a lovable bastard. They broke the mold on him." The book title aptly summarizes my experience with this extraordinary and gifted man. He had a 142 IQ, an ego about 8 times larger than normal, was an Olympic caliber athlete, had a genius for bringing passion and dynamics to heretofore very staid music, was competitive beyond imagining, and used 3-year-old style tantrums when pressed. He was generous, an easy tap, a savior to many, and a dominating terror at times. There were times of pee-in-your-pants laughter, and times of seething resentment after being humiliated over some meaningless issue. It was a life of struggling for individuality, respect, approval, acceptance, identity, connection, and love. Around him there were periods of incredible learning, social opportunities, world travel. In all, a blend that provides extensive material for this book on a very unique man and life. More



In this hyper-tech world of the 21st century, much of what we baby boomers clung to as the "new reality" for the last 50 years has become obsolete. We thought our parents were hopelessly out of touch. Now we are. History has shown this pattern to be endlessly repeating since early Greek writings. Aristotle made many mentions of the "generation gap" over 23 centuries ago. There ARE some basic truths which have remained immutable over time. There ARE priorities which, if followed, can secure for us a place in sanity amidst an increasingly insane pace, pressure, and techno-revolution. What are these truths? Very succinctly, they are 1-2-3: Body, Brains, Bucks. Muscles, Mind, Money. Corporal, mental, monetary. However you cleverly phrase it, the priorities begin with the physical world, in concert with the mental/psychological aspects, and irrevocably are tempered by the realities of the fiscal demands of daily life. There are inevitable consequences to ignoring the basic priorities of physical health, mental health, and monetary well-being. Most of us are really on a rat-race wheel on a 3-2-1 course. The heart attack A-type exec who drops at 55 is the archetype of this ignorance of 1-2-3. Life lived by the numbers works, and works well. This look into the systems, consequences, and paradigms of this 1-2-3 priority offers humorous and incisive revelations about what to do to take control of our health, serenity, and security.


Please see this overview of Effortless tennis 

Effortless Tennis