As a cost and time-cutting measure,
this year's newsletters will be photocopied
two-sided (but your envelopes are still
As the holidays charged through,
there was a lot of inertia, just no momentum.
John Force got his 7th championship, and may expand his
already large 30,000 square foot facility. My proposed
1100 square foot garage is still sitting idle, although
the City inspector did come by just to see why nothing is
happening. I spun the groans and moans of race car
unfinancing, and he understood perfectly. He'll revisit
in April to hopefully see some progress.
The engines FINALLY left Barrington after JUST a year.
Sounds like an echo, huh? They are now at Sissell's
Automotive getting extra head bolt holes drilled. While
assembling two motors would be great, and would take up a
lot less space than they do spread out, Barrington was
providing the world's greatest bargain on storage. He
FINALLY did the final honing (after I brought him a
piston to determine the size), so now Mike Kirby at
Sissell's gets to baby sit the blocks and heads, while I
hound him to complete.
If you recall, money was allocated to go to Mike's
Transmissions for a Godzilla-glide. Those $ went into the
yellow pages, too, along with the foundation $ for the
garage. There's going to be a lot of reasons the car will
be yellow, not the least of which is that I'm getting
really pissed at the delays........ Incidentally, Mike
Halstead showed up with a first run of the new 400%
tougher input shaft (it only took Mike Stewart a year to
get one). The tougher glide will require yet more beefed
up parts (gears, etc.). These are NOT available at this
writing. It MAY happen that many things may work out
right on time (money, engineering/development,
sponsorship funding, parts, etc.).
The limiter apparently works perfectly, since I haven't
scattered an engine since I bought it! The fact that I
haven't HAD an engine running since August 96 may also
have been helpful.
The replacement dually motor still sits, with its fresh
innards, new cam, proper manifold, on its pretty little
stand in the garage. The dually DOES have a wonderful new
paint job. Looks brand new!
I went with the original apple red Chevrolet color,
although it appears brighter than I remember it. The
trailer plugs, etc. are all reconnected and just itching
for an opportunity to do something connected with racing.
Randy Laur ended up inheriting his dad's nearly
almost-new 4000 watt Onan (his dad offed his motor home),
so I have MY nifty 4000-watt Onan package with gas tank
on a trolley available for $1400, and the more quick and
dirty 4400-watt Generac model for $300. The 26000 BTU air
conditioning unit has been patiently waiting outside my
garage to play on the trailer. Nice, nice air
conditioner, good, good boy.
El Ninio may require that I get the Parker Pumper cooling
system just to drive around! I haven't squeezed in a
factory tour as yet.
I've been tempted to take the Makita grinder to more than
just the wheel wells (people and places, actually). I'm
on the verge of making the last ditch trimming effort to
utilize the 36" tires. There was obviously no need
to visit Etchells again this year at the Winston Select
Finals for more tires! Dave McDannel has purchased
another member's car (Bob Wallace's multo-primo Camaro),
and may get me a set of tires in trade for mine.
Notwithstanding Bob Barnes commendable and relentless
hounding, I haven't copied nor distributed the promo
packet. It's that pesky mortgage that keeps getting in
the way of things! Bob's changed aerospace companies, and
may end up being THE sponsor on the car if things
continue at this rate.
Randy Laur and I are BOTH in a state of critical
of what needs to go is NOT junk, but how much can a guy
have? Don't ask John Force that question.
My mom turned 84 (!!!!) in October. Wow! She gives old
age a good name. I'd like to feel half as good at 53 as
she looks at 30 years more. I'm working on getting her to
come with me to the Winternationals (she went 2 years ago
and loved it).
Randy Laur is DOWN to 9 (yes, the
decimal is correct) vehicles.
Want to feel bad? Check out his fleet:
Dually, Isuzu Rodeo, 48 Anglia with blown small block, 50
Hillman altered with injected small block, 62 VW bug
convertible, 28' trailer, '93 Probe funnycar,
an LS-7 big blocked '66 Nova (for his girl friend), and a
65 Chevelle that he's assembling as a daily driver with a
ZZ-4 roller cam small block. His 87 Ford Ranger truck
just sold, bringing it DOWN to a paltry 9 in his
He ALSO has a blown in-line six, a big block, and God
knows what other myriad of parts. Anyone out there need
ANYTHING? He's probably got two of 'em!
A pilot was lost as he approached the fogged-in Seattle
airport in a 12-passenger commuter plane. He circled a
large blue building closer and closer until he saw a man
at the building's window. He cut his engine momentarily
and yelled out to him "Where am I? On the next pass
around the building man yelled back, "You're in an
airplane." The pilot immediately turned east, dove
into the fog bank, and came through the soup 3 minutes
later right over the runway.
A passenger asked him after landing how he found his way.
The pilot said once he got the completely and
scientifically accurate but totally useless information
from the man at the window, he realized he was over the
Microsoft Help Line building, and knew the runway was 5
miles due east.
Since I bought my race car in May of 94, I have been
given a LOT of useless information, and paid hefty prices
for all of it. I have taken this hiatus to completely
rebuild both the car and my attitude towards it. While
I've done everything as good as I possibly can, my best
has depended on people who were often ill-informed. You
buy ill, you get ill. And I'm just SICK at many points.
I've been broadening my experience base (approaching the
size of the Geza pyramid), and rethinking the entire
process. Everyone wants to be the ruby capstone at the
top of the pyramid, but since racing is 99% rubbing and
1% running, I've released myself to the process. And as
the finances became inversely available in about that
ratio, my "release" was well-timed!!
On the practical side, Dave "CHP" McDannel sold
his Funnycar roller, and while looking for his newer ride
he offed a lot of stuff in his garage the other day (to
ME), to raise money. I scored on 2 sets of rods and
pistons, a serviceable 4.25" COLA crank, and myriad
other parts and goodies. I now have enough parts to
complete BOTH 542" motors!! Boys and girls, this is
exciting. Went to Barrington, who welcomed the final
payment on his year of storage and block-boring. Not all
is good: some brazing on the Mendoza heads fell out of
one exhaust port.
I HATE when that happens. More schlepping. Turns out it's
absolutely a nothing deal, according the master
head-massager Mike Kirby. Nice to have a positive word
for a change.
The Dave crank gets to be Magnafluxed at Tommy Lee's, and
then sent to Memphis for grinding and hard-chroming back
to standard on the #2 main. The rotating assemblies may
need balancing, too, depending on the weights of the new
rods. Then, secure a couple of sets of 4.505" rings
and bearing sets and gaskets from Childs and Albert or
Total Seal, and start assembling the rotating assemblies'
parts. From there, some grinding and filing must be done
to the blocks to receive the MAJOR-buck Titan oil pump
(which has been safely in its box for about 18 months
waiting for something to copiously lubricate).
What else? Oh yes, the trailer awning got torn about a
foot at each end during the gale winds recently, so that
must be taken down and placed with Van Nuys Awning for
some stitching and reinforcement, and reinstalled.
The 6500-watt Onan needs to be permanently installed and
the cabinetry built around it to keep it quiet and cool
inside the trailer. I've been procrastinating for about 2
years on committing to an under- the-bench tool
tray/storage setup (why procrastinate today about things
that I can wait until tomorrow to procrastinate about?).
Found it, want it, and I'll buy it for my own belated
Christmas present (maybe Valentine's). My cabinet maker
ASSURES me he will FINALLY get around to completing my
shelves and miscellaneous cabinet items after more than a
year and a half of similar promises. There will be no
lack of happiness based on the long gestation period of
And, oh yes, the garage. I will take a New Year's bonus
and invest MOST of it in the garage footings, slab, and
initial framing (or I'll NEVER get started!). It will NOT
get me through the framing or roofing stage, but it will
get me started, and that's vital.
Hey, how about some paint? How about it? The how is
completing the frame work first, getting tires that fit
(UGH!), welding up some aluminum components in the tin
department (at Rich Manchen's around the corner), THEN
getting the body painted. It might also be helpful to get
at least a block and heads in the car with the headers on
to verify the body header cutouts now fit the tall deck
I am humbly suggesting (no more solid predictions) that
the car will be functional about June. This will require
quite a bit of tenacity, perspiration, inspiration,
inhalation, exhalation, flagellation, conversation,
co-operation, income generation, and spending
All of which maintains that awesome opportunity for the
SPONSOR of our dreams to capitalize on the fruits of our
labors and get on the 200 MPH rolling billboard and
Can you imagine how much I'll plug real sponsors after
this much ink (and a $100K investment) inviting them??
